Costmary Infused Oil

Costmary infused oil

Make a solar infusion with costmary and olive or safflower oil and allow to steep for four days. Strain and apply locally to ease the pain of sciatica , gout and other like pains.

Costmary *
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Oil Infusions
Source: Adele Dawson "Herbs: Partners in Life," (2000)

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Gout :Gout, one of the most painful forms of arthritis, is found primarily in men. While we can't cure it, we do have several highly effective herbal treatments to control it.
  • Herb_Infused_Oil :Herb infused oils are easy to make, even for beginning home herbalists. A warm sunny window, dried or fresh herbs, organic olive oil and a little time is all you need. Remedies using comfrey, calendula, St. Johns wort and others are indispensable healing agents for healing agent for treating cuts, scrapes, chapped skin, diaper rash, eczema, and windburn etc..
  • Nerve/Back Pain : Nerve pain is more difficult to treat than other types of muscle and joint pain. This is something you know well if you have had a lower back injury or slipped disc; sciatica can be devastating.
  • Pain Relief :Herbal remedies can bring blessed relief from body aches, sore muscles, headaches and arthritis pain..
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