Calendula Face Rinse

Calendula face rinse

Calendula petals

Bathe your face with the silky, orange-yellow petals of Calendula flowers. Calendula stimulates the grows of skin cells to fight wrinkles, keeps complexion smooth, moist, and helps fight acne breakouts.

Calendula *
Recipe Instructions: Poultice :
  1. Steep 1 tablespoon of dried/1 handful fresh calendula flowers in 1 cup of hot (not boiling)water for 5 to 10 minutes
  2. Let cool to room temperature, and strain
  3. Apply to the face with a cotton ball or clean cloth, or use as the liquid base of a lotion

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Acne :Herbal remedies for acne both clear the skin and heal the scars acne leaves in the wake of a breakout
  • Beauty : Natural beauty comes from nature not labs and factories. There are many over-the-counter, mass produced, personal care products that can be replaced with a few basic ingredients using these old fashioned remedies for personal care.
  • Facial Care :Natural facial care remedies use organic ingredients that cost only pennies an application.
  • Skin Care :Natural, organic skin care remedies do a better job of protecting and healing skin than store bought cosmetics.
  • Wrinkles :Natural beauty treatments that nourish the skin and diminish wrinkles.
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