Broom, Butcher's Ruscus aculeatus

Ruscus aculeatus
Broom chopped root
  • Common Names
  • Butcher's Broom , Jew's Myrtle, Sweet Broom, Scotch Broom
  • Botanical Name
  • Ruscus aculeatus
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Butcher's Broom

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How to Use: Broom, Butcher's

Butchers Broom has a long history of use in herbal medicine traditions as a diuretic and blood vessel toner. Herbal extracts from the roots of the Broom plant seem to have the ability to strengthen and tone blood vessels. Broom is approved by the authoritative German Commission E for chronic venous insufficiency, a condition causing pain, swelling, and fatigue in the calves that is related to varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. Broom may be a good herbal remedy for those who suffer from restless leg syndrome based on its medicinal properties.

Herbalists also use this potent plant in the treatment of poor circulation, irregular heart rhythm, and other related heart problems. Broom is known for it's cleansing and diuretic properties, which makes it useful for treating bladder infections and reducing cellulite. Drinking broom root tea on a consistent basis can also help with chronic dark circles under the eyes.

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Tea or extract. To make a tea from chopped root, place 1 teaspoon of the herb in a cup of boiling water and allow to steep in a closed teapot for 10 minutes.

see remedies

Broom, Butcher's Remedies

Broom, Butcher's Side Effects: Should be used with caution in pregnant women and young children and those with kidney and/or liver disorders.

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Plant Description

  • Flowers:Leaflike branches end in a terminal spine, with greenish-white flowers
  • Plant type: Shrubby, evergreen bush, low growing, up to 3 feet high
  • Leaves: . The young shoots of Butcher's Broom can be eaten like those of Asparagus, a plant to which it is closely allied. The matured branches used to be bound into bundles and sold to butchers for sweeping the blocks, hence the name.
  • Fruit: Shiny red berries
  • Preferred Habitat: very hardy, thriving in almost any soil or situation
  • Harvest Season:Both the aerial (aboveground) parts and the root of the plant are gathered in summer when the herb is in bloom. The whole plant is used in herbal medicine
  • Distribution:

Regional Traditions :European *

Related Species The primary phytochemical in the similarly named Scotch broom Cytisus scoparius is sparteine, a cardiac depressant - use with great caution.