Senna alexandrina Mill.

  • Common Names
  • Senna , gyptian Senna, Tinnevelly Senna
  • Botanical Name
  • Senna alexandrina Mill.
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Senna

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How to Use:

Senna is a reliable and quite powerful laxative. The active principles of senna are anthraquinone glycoside which act primarily on the colon. The plant also contains some mucilage and tartrates that enhance the laxative action. Senna pods have a gentler action than the leaves. (Weiss, Rudolf Fritz M.D.)

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Senna leaves are not well tolerated in high doses (over 1-2g) due to the resins contained they contain. Leaf tea should be made with cold water leaving it to stand for some time so that the resins are not extracted.

see remedies


Side Effects: If you experience cramping, you have taken too much. Do not use for extended periods. Senna must be taken with adequate fluids. Safety not established in pregnancy.

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