Chervil anthriscus cerefolium

anthriscus cerefolium
  • Common Names
  • Chervil , chervel, sweet cicely
  • Botanical Name
  • anthriscus cerefolium
  • Family

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Chervil

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How to Use: Chervil

Chervil must be used fresh to produce its full flavor. Cooking destroys the color and flavor of this delicate herb, so add last to soups and stews. Chervil is highly regarded by French cooks and considered to be one of the foremost of the fine herbes, along with chives, parsley and tarragon.

Although chervil is considered to be foremost a culinary herb, is also has a history of use in herbal medicine. Chervil is a traditional remedy for bad dreams, burns, and stomach upsets. We know today that chervil is an excellent source of antioxidants that stabilize cell membranes and reduce inflammation associated with headache, sinusitis, peptic ulcer, and infections.

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Tea, tincture or extract. Culinary herb used much like parsley.

Chervil Side Effects:

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