Cancer:Tonic Herbs For Your Health

  • Herb Properties
  • Herbs Alphabetical by Common Name

  • See List Herbs by Botanical Name

Using herbs as health tonics may help to lessen the occurrence of cancers. Many medicinal plants contain compounds that are shown to prevent cancer, which is unsurprising given the large range of types of cancers and the host body systems they affect. This long list of herbs includes those that have either been researched as anti-cancer agents, or have a history of use in traditional folklore. Many of the major plant families and genus are represented here, missing are the numerous lesser known plants that may disappear from our green Earth before we recognize their potential. .

It needs to be stressed, however promising the research is, cancer should never be self medicated and the information presented here is not to be confused with medical advice. None of these herbs are presented for use as a primary treatment for cancer