Ginger And Rosemary Bath

Ginger and rosemary bath

The combination of rosemary and ginger makes a good bath for sore muscles, fibromyalgia, and arthritis pain. This bath is also depurative and detoxifying.

Ginger * Rosemary *
Variations: Add a few sprigs of fresh rosemary if you have it.
Recipe Instructions: Bath :Make a strong tea with grated fresh ginger, about 1 1\2 cups of water to a tablespoon of ginger. Strain and add to bath water, with 6 drops of rosemary essential oil. Alternatively you can use fresh rosemary sprigs to make a strong tea and add ginger essential oil. Experiment with using whichever combination of ginger and rosemary you have on hand and use what works best for you. Vinegar added to bath water helps to reduce excess heat and inflammation. As a great side benefit, the vinegar and essential oils in this bath blend soften the skin.

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Arthritis :There are many other herbal medicines that fight inflammation and relieve pain; you will find the details on how to use them in the following pages.
  • Circulation :Poor circulation makes itself felt in many ways including fatigue, poor concentration and swelling in legs and feet.
  • Cramps/abdominal :Many of the same herbal remedies can be used for dysmenorrhea (painful periods), abdominal pain and stomach cramps
  • Detoxification :Regular use of depurative herbs will help detox your body and most importantly support your liver. Poor liver function is one of the most common root causes of poor health.
  • Fibromyalgia :Fibromyalgia pain is often accompanied by anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue
  • Pain Relief :Herbal remedies can bring blessed relief from body aches, sore muscles, headaches and arthritis pain..
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