Red And Gold - Rooibos And Ginseng

Red and gold - Rooibos and ginseng

Replenish your vital energies. 1 part rooibos
1/2 part fresh grated ginger
1/4 part ginseng powder

American Ginseng * Ginger * Rooibos *
Additions: raw honey, lemon, dash vanilla
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Tea :Make enough to enjoy a second cup of this brew as a energizing cold drink in the afternoon
Source: References

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Diet/weight Loss :Weight loss is one of the most popular uses for herbs and also the most misused and misunderstood Learn the facts.
  • Fatigue :The first step in treating fatigue is recognize what factors in your life are making you drained and depleted .
  • Longevity Tonics :Tonic herbs for longevity can be taken in small amounts over a long period of time, and are not meant to alter or effect any one symptom or disease.
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