Boldo Peumus boldus Molina

  • Common Names
  • Boldo
  • Botanical Name
  • Peumus boldus Molina
  • Family
  • Monimiaceae

Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Boldo

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How to Use: Boldo

The use of boldo is passed down from the time of the Incas and the herb is used in much the same way today - for a wide range of stomach, digestive, and liver complaints. Boldo leaves are used to treat bladder and urinary tract infections, gallbladder discomfort, gallstones, heartburn and indigestion, and stomach cramps. The herb works by encouraging the release of bile and dissolving fats and also by increasing intestinal transit time, giving the digestive tract more time to digest food. The ascaridole in boldo attacks intestinal worms. 1

Preparation Methods & Dosage :Drinking this bitter tea before meals improve digestion and prevent heartburn, gas and bloating. Use 1 teaspoon of dried herb per cup.

Boldo Side Effects: Not to be used by persons with gallstones, serious liver conditions or obstruction of the bile duct. Not for long term use. Consult your physician before using this product

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Plant Description

An evergreen tree indigenous to Chile, long used in South American folk medicine to treat a wide range of intestinal problems and support of the liver.

Regional Traditions :Central and South America *

books citedWorks Cited
  1. Mountain Rose Herbs
  2. Duke, James A., Green Pharmacy Herbal Handbook(2000)
    Active constituents in boldo leaves, makes them useful for a range of stomach, intestinal, and liver complaints.