Rose Hips Tea

Rose Hips tea

Rose hips, the fruit left after the flower bloom falls, make tasty red tea high in Vitamin C and antioxidants Rosehips have a tart, tangy flavor that can be enjoyed alone or used in herbal tea blends.

Rose *
Additions: Lemon, Honey, Stevia
Recipe Instructions: Herbal Tea :Use a teaspoon of hips to each cup of water, infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and serve. Tastes great iced. Enjoy 2 to 3 cups daily if you need to increase your Vitamin C levels.

Tags and Uses for this Remedy

  • Nutrition :The line between food and medicine is an artificial one. Debilitating, preventable diseases like diabetes and heart disease and directly related to our diet and it is no coincidence that so many healing herbs and plants are also foods,
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